If you have resided at your present address less than three years, list your prior address:
List the name, address, and telephone number of three business/work references.
Start with your most recent or present employer, and provide all employers leaving no gaps in your work
history for the last 3 places of employment. Include any military service assignments that may cause a gap.
Employer #1
Work performed / Job Duties:
Employer #2
Work performed / Job Duties:
Employer #3
Work performed / Job Duties:
May we contact the employers you have listed?:
If no, indicate which one(s) you do NOT wish to us to contact and state the reasons why you prefer that we do not contact the employer(s):
Have you ever been discharged or asked to resign from any position?:
If yes, please state the employer and dates of employment, and reasons.:
Applicant's Statement
Please indicate that you have read and understand each paragraph of the following Applicant’s Statement by placing your initials beside each paragraph.
Initial Here:
You must enter your initials to submit.
4. I understand that, if I am hired, I will be required to undergo a physical/medical examination and drug screen, as a condition of beginning my employment, and I hereby authorize any doctor, hospital, clinic, laboratory or other medical facility to furnish any medical information with reference to me as may be necessary in conjunction with that examination and related considerations. If employed, I understand and agree that as a condition of continued employment, I may be subject to periodic testing to detect the presence of illegal drugs or substances in my body. Such testing will be performed by an entity or individual designated by KibbChem, Inc.
Initial Here:
You must enter your initials to submit.
7. I understand that this application is not, and is not intended to be, a contract of employment and if I am hired, my employment is for no fixed period of time and either I or KibbeChem, Inc. can end the relationship at any time and for any reason. I further agree, if employed, to follow all rules, policies and regulations of KibbeChem, Inc. I understand and agree that KibbeChem, Inc. officials may search my property while I am, or the property is, on KibbeChem, Inc.’s premises. I further understand that
statements contained in rules, policies, handbooks or other material do not create any guarantee of employment and that KibbeChem, Inc. has the right to modify, amend or terminate rules, policies, handbooks or other programs within the limits and requirements imposed by law. I understand that no representative of KibbeChem, Inc. other than the President has the authority to enter into any employment agreement for any specific period of time or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing and that any such agreement must be in writing to be binding.
NOTE: An Application not completed in its entirety will not be considered. Please look over the entire form to make sure you have responded to every item.